

Biomedical Artificial
Intelligence Research Unit



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Dr. Suzuki has been awarded a national research grant from JST

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Dr. Suzuki has been awarded a national research grant from JST

Dr. Suzuki has been awarded a research grant as the Principal Investigator at Tokyo Institute of Technology for a national research project from JST-Mirai Program by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Our research project is entitled “Development of knowledge-embedding deep learning and its application to computer-aided diagnostic systems” (Project period: 04/01/2020-03/31/2025; Total cost: 352,807,000JPY) in our national research project, entitled “Engineerable AI techniques for practical applications of high-quality machine learning-based systems”, which the National Institute of Informatics conducts as the principal institution.

Kenji Suzuki Laboratory

Institute of Innovative Research (IIR)
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Biomedical AI Research Unit