

Biomedical Artificial
Intelligence Research Unit



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Dr. Suzuki has received the 2021 Award for Science and Technology (Research Category) from MEXT

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Dr. Suzuki has received the 2021 Award for Science and Technology (Research Category) from MEXT

Dr. Suzuki was awarded the 2021 Award for Science and Technology (Research Category) at the Commendation for Science & Technology by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan in recognition of his pioneering research and development of deep learning and its translation into practical applications in the medical field.

(in Japanese) 科学技術創成研究院の6名が令和3年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰を受賞

(in Japanese) 鈴木賢治教授(応用AI研究コア)が,文部科学省より科学技術賞を受賞(2021年4月6日)

Dr. Suzuki has received the 2021 Award for Science and Technology (Research Category) from MEXT
Dr. Suzuki has received the 2021 Award for Science and Technology (Research Category) from MEXT