

Biomedical Artificial
Intelligence Research Unit



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New members have joined our lab

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New members have joined our lab

Lifeng He, Ph.D., as Visiting Associate Professor from Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Aichi Prefectural University, Aichi, Japan and Shweta Khankari, M.D. joined in our lab. Welcome!

Joel Verceles, B.S., from Chicago Medical School, joined in our lab. Welcome!

Ryan Kohlbrenner, B.S. joined from from the University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine. Welcome!

Mark L. Epstein, M.S. joined as a Computer Scientist from Microsoft, Inc. where he was engaged in the development of Microsoft Office 2007. Welcome!

Zhenghao Shi, Ph.D. joined as Visiting Associate Professor from Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan. Welcome!

New students, Zachary Grelewicz majoring in Physics and Raiyah Sheriffdeen majoring in Biology/Pre-Med joined from the College of University of Chicago. Welcome!

Kenji Suzuki Laboratory

Institute of Innovative Research (IIR)
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Biomedical AI Research Unit