Dr. Suzuki Chaired 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
Dr. Suzuki served as a chair of 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI 2011) in conjunction with MICCAI, Toronto, Canada, has successfully finished. Read more...
Dr. Suzuki received the Kurt Rossmann Award for Excellence in Teaching
Dr. Suzuki received the Kurt Rossmann Award for Excellence in Teaching from the Graduate Program in Medical Physics, Department of Radiology, the University of Chicago. Read more...
New Members have joined our lab
Hieu Huynh, Ph.D. joined as Visiting Assistant Professor from Ho-Chi-Minh City University of Industry, Vietnam. Welcome!
Xu Qiao, Ph.D. joined as a Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow from Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Sihai Yang, M.S. joined as an International Visiting Student from Huaqiao Uni Read more...
Francis Ferraro got triple congrats
An NSF REU student, Francis Ferraro, was accepted into Center for Language and Speech Processing at Johns Hopkins University and awarded National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship by Department of Defense and National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Read more...
Press Coverage
Dr. Suzuki’s comments were included in the article
Dr. Suzuki’s comments and his research were included in the article “A Search Engine for the Human Body” in MIT Technology Review.
Dr. Suzuki’s comments and his research were included in the article “Microsoft develops search engine for the human body” on TechEy Read more...
Dr. Suzuki serves as a Deputy Editor
Dr. Suzuki serves as a Deputy Editor of Academic Radiology. Read more...
Two lab members got travel grants through NSF
Francis Ferraro, an NSF REU student, and Dr. Xu were awarded NSF-sponsored travel grants for their presentations at IEEE ISBI. An NSF REU student, Francis Ferraro, and Dr. Xu were awarded NSF-sponsored travel grants for their presentations at IEEE ISBI. Congrats! Read more...
Press Coverage
Our study was featured on AuntMinnie.com
Our RSNA presentation entitled “Observer Performance Study: Effect of Computer-aided Detection (CADe) on the Performance of Expert Radiologists in Detection of “Difficult” Polyps in CT Colonography (CTC) in a Multicenter Clinical Trial” by Suzuki K., Hori M., Iinuma G., Friedman A. C., an Read more...
Dr. Suzuki serves as the Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Suzuki serves as the Editor-in-Chief on Medical Image Analysis topic, Journal of Convergence Information Technology. Read more...
Dr. Suzuki gave an invited talk
Dr. Suzuki gave an invited talk at the Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging, University of Iowa.
Dr. Suzuki gave an invited talk in Symposium on Machine Learning in Radiation Therapy in AAPM. Read more...