Press Coverage
Our study was featured in the article
Our RSNA presentation, entitled “Enhanced digital chest radiography: Temporal subtraction combined with “virtual dual-energy” technology for improved conspicuity of growing cancers and other pathologic changes” by Suzuki K., Armato S. G., Engelmann R., Caligiuri P., and MacMahon H., was f Read more...
Press Coverage
Our study was featured on Avantrasarablog.wordpress.com
Our presentation at RSNA, entitled “Can CAD help improve the performance of radiologists in detection of “difficult” polyps in CT colonography?” by Suzuki K., Hori M., McFarland E., Friedman A. C., Rockey D. C., and Dachman A. H., was featured in the article “Neural Network Reduces Fals Read more...
Achievements in 2009
10 journal papers and 4 international conference papers were published in this year. We presented 3 papers at the RSNA meeting. Read more...
Dr. Suzuki and collaborators have received Certificate of Merit from RSNA
Certificate of Merit Award was granted for our Education Exhibit at the RSNA meeting.
Kenji Suzuki, PhD, Masatoshi Hori, MD, PhD, Elizabeth G McFarland, MD, Arnold C Friedman, MD, Don C Rockey, MD, and Abraham H Dachman, MD
Title: Can CAD help improve the performance of radiologist Read more...
Our paper was featured in the articles
Our paper, Oda S., Awai K., Suzuki K., Yanaga Y., Funama Y., MacMahon H., and Yamashita Y.: Detection of small pulmonary nodules on chest radiographs: Effect of rib suppression by the massive training artificial neural network (MTANN) technique on the performance of radiologists. American Journal Read more...
Dr. Suzuki serves as an Editorial Board Member
Dr. Suzuki serves as an Editorial Board Member of the international journal, Algorithms. Read more...
Dr. Doi officially retired
Dr. Doi officially retired in September. Thank you, Dr. Doi, for 40 years of service to the University of Chicago!
Press Coverage
Our study was featured on AuntMinnie.com
Our paper, Lostumbo A., Wanamaker C., Tsai J., Suzuki K., and Dachman A. H.: Comparison of 2D and 3D views for evaluation of flat lesions in CT colonography. Academic Radiology 16, 2009, was featured in the article “Flat-polyp measurements show less variability in 3D VC” on AuntMinnie Read more...
Member’s news
Our lab member, Ryan Kohlbrenner was selected as a member of Alpha Omega Alpha, the national medical honor society. Congrats!
William Chyr, B.A., was featured in a story “Fourth-year student takes balloon art to a higher level” on the University of Chicago website.
Mark L. Eps
Dr. Suzuki serves as a Committee Member
Dr. Suzuki serves as a Program Committee Member of International Conference on Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and Human (ICIS).
Dr. Suzuki serves as a Program Committee Member of Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Medical Imaging (CIMI) in International Confer Read more...