

Biomedical Artificial
Intelligence Research Unit



News & Topics



Press Coverage

Our Paper was ranked among the top 100 most downloaded IEEE Xplore articles

Our paper, Suzuki K., Abe H., MacMahon H., and Doi K.: Image-processing technique for suppressing ribs in chest radiographs by means of massive training artificial neural network (MTANN), IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 25: 406-416, 2006, was ranked among the top 100 most downloaded IEEE Xpl Read more...



New members have joined our lab

Summer Students, Edmund Ng, M.S. from Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Reed Tompkins from a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, and Shailesh C. Garg, M.D. joined. Welcome!

Masatoshi Hori, M.D., Ph.D. joined as Visiting Associat



Achievements in 2007

Seven journal papers and 8 international conference papers were published in this year. Our laboratory presented 5 papers at RSNA. Read more...


Press Coverage

Our study was featured in Health Imaging News

Our education exhibit at RSNA, entitled “Usefulness of “Virtual dual-energy radiography (VDER)” for improving conspicuity of nodules and other pathologic changes by means of rib suppression in standard and temporally subtracted chest radiographs” by Kenji Suzuki, Samuel G. Read more...



New members have joined our lab

Lifeng He, Ph.D., as Visiting Associate Professor from Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Aichi Prefectural University, Aichi, Japan and Shweta Khankari, M.D. joined in our lab. Welcome!

Joel Verceles, B.S., from Chicago Medical School, joined in our lab. Welcome! < Read more...



Research grant was awarded by NIH/NCI

An R01 Research Grant was awarded by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Cancer Institute (NCI). Read more...


Press Coverage

Our study was featured on AuntMinnie.com

Article on Doshi T., Rusinak D., Halvorsen B., Rockey D. C., Suzuki K., and Dachman A. H.: CT colonography: False-negative interpretations, Radiology, 244: 165-173, 2007 was featured in the article “Careful reading boosts virtual colonoscopy results” on AuntMinnie.com. Read more...



Summer Students joined our lab

Summer Students, Ivan Sheu majoring in Biology/Pre-Med, Yee-Fay Lim majoring in Mathematics and Economics, Christine E. Boylan majoring in Linguistics and Biological Science, and Kevin A. Brown majoring in Applied Mathematics joined from the College here. Rahul Eapen joined from Illinois Institut Read more...


Press Coverage

Our study was reported in Innervision

Report on RSNA Certificate of Merit Award for our exhibit, entitled “Advanced CAD system based on 3D massive-training artificial neural network (MTANN) for detection and classification of lung nodules in CT” by Suzuki K., et al. Innervision 22: 60-61, 2007. Read more...



Achievements in 2006

Four journal papers and 3 international conference papers were published in this year. We presented 6 papers at the RSNA meeting. Read more...

Kenji Suzuki Laboratory

Institute of Innovative Research (IIR)
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Biomedical AI Research Unit