Press Coverage
Our study was featured on AuntMinnie.com
Our RSNA presentation entitled “Observer Performance Study: Effect of Computer-aided Detection (CADe) on the Performance of Expert Radiologists in Detection of “Difficult” Polyps in CT Colonography (CTC) in a Multicenter Clinical Trial” by Suzuki K., Hori M., Iinuma G., Friedman A. C., an Read more...
Press Coverage
Dr. Suzuki’s research was included in SingularityHub
Dr. Suzuki and his research on his massive-training artificial neuralnetwork, entitled “The AI Doctor Is Ready To See You” in SingularityHub. Read more...
Press Coverage
Dr. Suzuki’s Research was featured in the article
Dr. Suzuki and his research on pixel/voxel-based machine learning, was included in the article “Pixel-voxel based machine learning algorithm — Developments in medical image processing and analysis” in Medical and Diagnostic Imaging Technology Alert from Frost & Sullivan. Read more...
Press Coverage
Our study was reported in Innervision
Report on RSNA Certificate of Merit Award for our exhibit, entitled “Can CAD help improve the performance of radiologists in detection of “difficult” polyps in CT colonography?” by Suzuki K., et al. Innervision 25: 56-57, 2010. Read more...
Press Coverage
Our study was featured in the article
Our RSNA presentation, entitled “Enhanced digital chest radiography: Temporal subtraction combined with “virtual dual-energy” technology for improved conspicuity of growing cancers and other pathologic changes” by Suzuki K., Armato S. G., Engelmann R., Caligiuri P., and MacMahon H., was f Read more...
Press Coverage
Our study was featured on Avantrasarablog.wordpress.com
Our presentation at RSNA, entitled “Can CAD help improve the performance of radiologists in detection of “difficult” polyps in CT colonography?” by Suzuki K., Hori M., McFarland E., Friedman A. C., Rockey D. C., and Dachman A. H., was featured in the article “Neural Network Reduces Fals Read more...
Press Coverage
Our study was featured on AuntMinnie.com
Our paper, Lostumbo A., Wanamaker C., Tsai J., Suzuki K., and Dachman A. H.: Comparison of 2D and 3D views for evaluation of flat lesions in CT colonography. Academic Radiology 16, 2009, was featured in the article “Flat-polyp measurements show less variability in 3D VC” on AuntMinnie Read more...
Press Coverage
Our collaborator was featured on DiagnosticImaging.com
Our collaborator, Dr. Dachman talked about the importance of training in CT colonography in an article “Success in virtual colonography depends on right training” on DiagnosticImaging.com. Read more...
Press Coverage
Dr. Suzuki was in the article
Dr. Suzuki was in the article “Making the invisible visible starts with a seed – RSNA 2008 presenter looks forward to radiology’s bright future” in Foundation Focus, RSNA Research and Education Foundation, vol. 2, no. 2.
Dr. Suzuki was in the article “R&E Grants Spur Read more...
Press Coverage
Our Paper was ranked among the top 100 most downloaded IEEE Xplore articles
Our paper, Suzuki K., Abe H., MacMahon H., and Doi K.: Image-processing technique for suppressing ribs in chest radiographs by means of massive training artificial neural network (MTANN), IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 25: 406-416, 2006, was ranked among the top 100 most downloaded IEEE Xpl Read more...