Dr. Suzuki serves as an Associate Editor
Dr. Suzuki serves as an Associate Editor of International Journal of Biomedical Imaging. Read more...
Dr. Suzuki serves as a Guest Editor
Dr. Suzuki serves as a Guest Editor of a special issue on “Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Image Analysis”, The Open Artificial Intelligence Journal. Read more...
New members have joined our lab
Summer Students, Emily Kawaler majoring in Computer Science and Francis Ferraro majoring in Computer Science from a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program, and Jose Roig, B.S., majoring in Biotechnology from Johns Hopkins University joined in our l Read more...
Press Coverage
Our collaborator was featured on DiagnosticImaging.com
Our collaborator, Dr. Dachman talked about the importance of training in CT colonography in an article “Success in virtual colonography depends on right training” on DiagnosticImaging.com. Read more...
Achievements in 2008
Five journal papers and 9 international conference papers were published in this year. Our laboratory has 7 papers at RSNA. Read more...
Dr. Suzuki serves as an IEEE Senior Member Upgrade Chair
Dr. Suzuki serves as an IEEE Senior Member Upgrade Chair, IEEE Chicago Section. Read more...
Press Coverage
Dr. Suzuki was in the article
Dr. Suzuki was in the article “Making the invisible visible starts with a seed – RSNA 2008 presenter looks forward to radiology’s bright future” in Foundation Focus, RSNA Research and Education Foundation, vol. 2, no. 2.
Dr. Suzuki was in the article “R&E Grants Spur Read more...
Dr. Suzuki serves as a Guest Editor
Dr. Suzuki serves as a Guest Editor of a special issue of Algorithms on “Machine learning for medical imaging”. Read more...
Press Coverage
Our Paper was ranked among the top 100 most downloaded IEEE Xplore articles
Our paper, Suzuki K., Abe H., MacMahon H., and Doi K.: Image-processing technique for suppressing ribs in chest radiographs by means of massive training artificial neural network (MTANN), IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 25: 406-416, 2006, was ranked among the top 100 most downloaded IEEE Xpl Read more...
New members have joined our lab
Summer Students, Edmund Ng, M.S. from Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Reed Tompkins from a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, and Shailesh C. Garg, M.D. joined. Welcome!
Masatoshi Hori, M.D., Ph.D. joined as Visiting Associat